WCA Challenge You to Give Them the Bird!
Nov 05, 2015 12:00AM ● By Source: Rick Reed Public Relations
As the non-profit provider of rescue, recovery, and release of injured, orphaned, and displaced birds and small animals, Wildlife Care Association (WCA) is challenging the Sacramento region to give them the bird!
Take a photo of a bird, or birds, in your backyard, local parks, or other wild Sacramento regional location. Submit your photo on the WCA Facebook page as a message with photo attached.
Visit http://www.wildlifecareassociation.com to learn more, or visit their Facebook and Instagram galleries for ideas.
The quarterly contest submission deadline is December 31st, 2015. Entries can be made in two categories: Under 12, and Over 12. If you are under 12 years old, you can enter free! Individual entries in the Over 12 category should include a minimum $5 donation to WCA through the Facebook donation button. Each photo may be entered only once, but individuals may submit more than one photo each quarter. Submissions should include your email, the location where the photo was taken, and your best guess of what type of bird this might be.
The WCA Quarterly Photo Contest winner will be awarded a special prize including a guided tour of the Rescue Dome at McClellan Park and their photo will be featured in the newsletter, posted at the rescue facility, and posted on Facebook/Instagram.
One winner will be chosen from submissions to determine a winner. WCA staff reserves the right to select a winner from content and other factors including artistic merit. All photos submitted become the property of WCA for its use in outreach, education, and fundraising.
For more information, call (916) 965-WILD.
Source: Rick Reed Public Relations